You know how most companies have that fancy, jargon-filled intro? Yeah, we thought we’d skip that.
So, here's the thing: a bunch of us got together with one big idea in mind—to shake up the mental health scene. Too many people are handed the ‘standard’ mental health advice that feels more like wearing two left shoes. And let's be real, we all deserve a pair that fits just right.
Remember when you tried to find that one song in a playlist with a thousand tracks? That's what hunting for the right mental health solution often feels like. But what if we told you we’ve got a groovy recommendation tool that finds your 'mental tune'? Yeah, it's a bit like magic (or just some nifty tech).
Crafted and evaluated by mental health experts across various fields, our test comprises questions informed by globally recognized mental health standards, somatic insight, and personality factors. Keep in mind that certain sections may not directly apply to your unique situation, and some questions may present challenges. To deliver a personalized experience, we kindly request about 15-20 minutes of your time and attention.
Please be aware that our tool is not a formal assessment but rather a valuable resource designed to offer guidance and support on your therapeutic journey.